
R05年度 物理工学 談話会開催について

物理工学ユニットでは、以下のように談話会を 対面形式で開催させて頂きます。

講演者:Prof. Samantha Jenkins、湖南師範大学
演題: Beyond Energetic and Scalar measures: Next Generation QTAIM
日時: 2023年4月27日(木)13:30開始
場所: 総合研究棟W701室
会場:ZOOM会議( ミーティングID: 994 5288 4996 )

Next Generation Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (NG-QTAIM) is currently the only vector-based quantum chemical theory as all other quantum chemical theories are scalar-based. NG-QTAIM can, for instance, be used to distinguish enantiomers, isotopomers undergoing normal modes of vibration, predict ring-opening reaction products, ground and excited states at a conical intersection and predict reaction pathways of permutation-inversion isomers. As a consequence, NG-QTAIM can uniquely be used to investigate iso-energetic phenomena where the reliance on differences in geometric measures is removed.

世話人:Hannes Raebiger