R05年度 物理工学 談話会開催について
物理工学ユニットでは、以下のように談話会を 対面・オンライン併用のハイブリッド形式で開催させて頂きます。
講演者Dr. Anna Kosogor、Institute of Magnetism NASU and MESU, Kyiv, Ukraine
演題: Landau-Type Theory for Multiferroic Phase Transitions: Quantitative Description of Physical Effect
日時: 2023年7月25日(火)16:15 - 17:15
場所: 基礎工学棟(ESタワー) 203室
会場: ZOOM会議( ミーティングID: 950 3749 9086 )
Multiferroicmaterials are characterized by the coexistence of multiple ferroicorders, such as ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, and ferroelasticity, which can undergo phase transitions that lead to significant changes in their functional properties. Landau theory is an effective and well approved tool for the description of physical phenomena accompanying different phase transitions. The special version of Landau-type theory was developed for the quantitative description of physical effects accompanying the magnetoelasticphase transitions in multiferroicmaterials [1-4]. These transitions involve changes in both the magnetic and structural properties of materials, as so the theory includes magnetic and elastic subsystems and its interrelation. In particular, this approach allows to describe:
1) giant anhystereticdeformation of martensitic alloys in post-critical regime and the conditions of its observation [1];
2) inverse magnetocaloriceffect in the Fe-Rh alloy, which undergoes the isostructural ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic phase transition [2];
3) conventional and inverse magnetocaloriceffects in Heusleralloys [3, 4];
4) influence of nanoparticles formation on superelasticbehavior of shape memory alloys [5].
The Landau-type phenomenological approach serves as a bridge between macroscopic observations and microscopic models, offering a framework to describe complex phenomena. By facilitating the theoretical comprehension of phase transitions, this approach plays an important role in the design and development of novel materials with target properties.