
R06年度 物理工学 談話会開催について

物理工学ユニットでは、以下のように談話会を 対面形式で開催させて頂きます。

講演者:Dr. Regina Caputo (NASA)
場所: 総合研究棟 W701室
演題: Achieving the science of the extreme universe through developments in gammaray instrumentation and telescopes
日時: 2024年6月18日(火)16:00 -

The New Messengers and New Physics and Cosmic Ecosystem priority themes from the Astro2020 Decadal Survey are uniquely addressed at gammaray energies. The gamma-ray group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, as part of a large effort together with ANL and many groups around the world, is developing technologies and future telescopes to enable observations to fill these critical capability gaps revealed by Fermi and fully capitalize on this exciting new era. This talk will present the development of CMOS silicon pixel detectors, called AstroPix, and their planned launch on a sounding rocket; the recent balloon launch of the ComPair gamma-ray prototype telescope; the next steps for ComPair; and community efforts to prioritize gamma-ray missions such as AMEGO-X in the future.


世話人:廣島 渚